The construction of the groupware using multicloud – Requirements definition, design, and joint testing of subsystems that are the key to cloud collaboration –
○Yosuke Toda (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Makoto Miyabe (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Gaku Takagishi (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Yujin Asao (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Hirofumi Sawada (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Etsuko Okada (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Kazumi Kurikawa (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Takaaki Komura (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Yasuhiro Nagai (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.)
Past approach on business systems and overview of their full migration to the cloud at Kyoto University -Past approach, their issues and results of full migration-
○Yasuhiro Nagai (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Etsuko Okada (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Makoto Miyabe (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Hirofumi Sawada (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Yosuke Toda (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Yujin Asao (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Kazumi Kurikawa (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.)
○Kumiko Kobayashi (National Institute of Informatics), Tatsuya Kishi (National Institute of Informatics), Hiroshi Yoshida (National Institute of Informatics), Kento Aida (National Institute of Informatics)
九州大学における電子メールサービスのExchange Online移行
Migrating Email Services in Kyushu University to Exchange Online
○Hiroshi Yano (The Graduate School of Engineering, Soka Univ.), Yongwoon Choi (The Graduate School of Engineering, Soka Univ.), Norihiko Shinomiya (The Graduate School of Engineering, Soka Univ.)
Introduction to programming as liberal arts subject in common education
○Katsuya Ishiguro (Library and Information Technology, Kochi Univ.), Masato Sasaki (Library and Information Technology, Kochi Univ.), Masato Sasaki (Library and Information Technology, Kochi Univ.)
○Makoto Miyabe (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Yosuke Toda (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Hiroaki Nanbu (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Etsuko Okada (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Kazumi Kurikawa (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Tsuyoshi Hariki (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Hirokazu Akasaka (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Yasuhiro Nagai (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.)
Development of Travel request form and Joint use support system
○Yuri Shimabukuro (Planning and Information Management Department , Kyoto University/IT Support Team, KURNS), Yasuhiro Hirai (Technical Staff Office, KURNS/IT Support Team, KURNS)
Amazon AWSを用いたRStudio Server環境構築の必要性に関する予備的な報告
Is it necessary to set up RStudio Server environment using Amazon AWS? A preliminary report
○Yamazaki Kunihiro (Center for Information Infrastructur/AvanceSystem Corporatione/), Isobe Chihiro (AvanceSystem Corporation), Nagata Masaki (Center for Information Infrastructure, Shizuoka University.)
TF2: LMS・教育学習支援
12月12日(木) 11:00-12:30、会場: F会場、 座長: 布施泉(北海道大学)
Update and Enhancement of Kaltura Plugins for Moodle
○Tomoya Saito (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Yue Wang (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Yoshito Nishimura (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Hiromichi Suenaga (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Chiyo Kaneyama (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Yasuaki Ohira (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Takahiro Tamesue (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Tsuyoshi Eguchi (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Keiji Imaoka (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Yutaka Hisanaga (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Katsumi Tadamura (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.)
京都大学における Learning Management System を利用した、留学生を対象とする日本語プレースメントテストの支援と現状について
Current Status and Supporting for Japanese Language Online Placement Test for Foreign Students using Learning Management System at Kyoto University
○Koichiro Tonomura (Planning and Information Management Department, Kyoto University), Palihawadana Ruchira (Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences (ILAS), Kyoto University), Shoji Kajita (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University)
一般情報教育における LINE-Bot 型クイズシステムの試用
Trial of a LINE-bot Type Quiz System in General Education in Informatics
○Tsuyoshi Yamada (Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education, Kyoto Univ.), Lisa Katsuma (Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education, Kyoto Univ.), Shotaro Naganuma (The University Education Innovation Initiative, Kyushu Univ.), Masako Okamoto (Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education, Kyoto Univ.), Hiroyuki Sakai (Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education, Kyoto Univ.)
A Consideration in Business Game Practice focusing on Effects of Multitasking on Students Attitude
○Yosuke Suzuki (Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering, Kobe University), Hirofumi Watanabe (Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering, Kobe University), Mayuko Ishino (Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering, Kobe University), Yoko Doi (Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, RIKEN), Hitomi Kura (Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering, Kobe University), Yukihiro Eguchi (Office for Academic and Industrial Innovation, Kobe University), Shigenori Tanaka (Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering, Kobe University), Hiroki Tsuruta (Office for Academic and Industrial Innovation, Kobe University), Tsuyoshi Shirai (Department of Bioscience, Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology), Ichiro Mori (Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation, Kobe University), Mari Ito (Laboratory of Bioinformatics, National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition), Hideyuki Usui (Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering, Kobe University)
Updates on eduroam and the Next Generation Hotspot
○TAMATSUKURI JUNJI (the University of Tokyo), MARUYAMA MIKI (the University of Tokyo), HONJO GOKI (the University of Tokyo), SHITAMI JUNICHIRO (the University of Tokyo)
Current Status and Challenges on Virtual Desktop for Teaching and Learning at Kyoto University
○Toshihumi Sugano (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.), Takeshi Kobayashi (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.), Kazuaki Aoki (Faculty of Geo-environmental Science, Rissho Univ.), Keiko Nakao (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.), Aya Fujimura (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.), Yoshinori Sawamura (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.), Miki Kobayashi (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.)
FD1: BYOD・情報デバイスの教育への活用
12月13日(金) 9:00-10:30、会場: D会場、 座長: 金子晃介(九州大学)
Practicality verification of An application virtualization platform assuming use of BYOD environment
○Toyohiro Hayashi (Information Science Center, Kyushu Institute of Technology), Tetsuya Toda (Information Science Center/Iizuka Campus Technical Support Office, Kyushu Institute of Technology), Hideki Tomishige (Information Science Center/Iizuka Campus Technical Support Office, Kyushu Institute of Technology), Takuji Hatase (Information Science Center/Iizuka Campus Technical Support Office, Kyushu Institute of Technology), Makoto Sanada (Panasonic Information Systems Co.,Ltd.), Kyoko Kai (Information Science Center, Kyushu Institute of Technology), Noriyuki Kushiro (Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Raspberry Pi 3を活用した情報教育の可能性
Possibility of the information education by using the Raspberry Pi 3
○Tomohito Wada (National Institute of Fitness and Sports), Isamu Nakamura (National Institute of Fitness and Sports), Misaki Sumino (National Institute of Fitness and Sports), Sachi Ikudome (National Institute of Fitness and Sports), Hiroo Takahashi (National Institute of Fitness and Sports)
M5StackとWeb Bluetooth APIを用いた安価な出席登録システムの試作
Rapid Prototyping of an Inexpensive Attendance Recording System Using M5Stack and Web Bluetooth API
○Takashi Nakai (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University), Tsuyoshi Hariki (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University), Osamu Katagiri (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University), Yoshiko Ishibashi (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University)
BYOD 環境利用を促進するための全学共通情報基礎科目 ICT 基礎 a における授業支援のありかた 資料
Teaching Support for a Common Compulsory Subject in Information and Computer Education for Promoting Using BYOD Environment
○Tomohiro Kawanabe (Center for Computational Science, RIKEN), Kenji Ono (Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu Univ.), Daisuke Sakurai (Pan-Omics Data Driven Innovation Research Center, Kyushu Univ.)
北海道大学情報基盤センター 新スーパーコンピュータシステム利用者からの問い合わせ分析
Analysis of inquiries from users of the new supercomputer system in Information Initiative Center, Hokkaido University
○Atsuko Saito (Information Infrastructure Division of Information Department, Tohoku Univ.), Takeshi Yamashita (Information Infrastructure Division of Information Department, Tohoku Univ.), Satoshi Ono (Information Infrastructure Division of Information Department, Tohoku Univ.), Kenji Oizumi (Information Infrastructure Division of Information Department, Tohoku Univ.), Ryusuke Egawa (Cyberscience Center, Tohoku Univ/Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku Univ.), Hiroyuki Takizawa (Cyberscience Center, Tohoku Univ/Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku Univ.)
○Yasuhiro Watashiba (Cybermedia Center, Osaka University), Chonho Lee (Cybermedia Center, Osaka University), Susumu Date (Cybermedia Center, Osaka University)
○SHIGETOSHI YOKOYAMA (Gunma University), NOBUKUNI HAMAMOTO (Gunma University), MASARU NAGAKU (Lifematics), YOSHINOBU MASATANI (National Institute of Informatics), ATSUKO TAKEFUSA (National Institute of Informatics), KENTO AIDA (National Institute of Informatics)
○Takashi Nomura (Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, Faculty of Cultural Polity and Management), Emiko Nomura (Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology, Faculty of Informatics)
Migration to Web-Based Signage using HTML5 on the university bulletin board
○Yamazaki Kunihiro (Center for Information Infrastructur/AvanceSystem Corporatione/), Isobe Chihiro (AvanceSystem Corporation), Nagata Masaki (Center for Information Infrastructure, Shizuoka University.)
Future Prospects of “Small Digitization” in Audio-Visual Classrooms at Rissho University
○Toshihumi Sugano (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.), Yoshinori Sawamura (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.), Atsushi Hatori (Department of a public relations, Rissho Univ.), Aya Fujimura (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.), Keiko Nakao (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.), Takeshi Kobayashi (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.), Miki Kobayashi (Center for Infomation and Media, Rissho Univ.)
Taiwan Cultural Education in the hospital class with mobile device and TV conference system
○Yamamoto Yuichi (Hokkaido University), Sato Osamu (Japan Foundation Center for Cultural Exchange in Vietnam), Koyanagi Chikako (Hokushin Junior High School Himawari Branch Scool), Hamada Yamato (Osaka University Hospital Toneyama Special Needs Education School), Sato Seiko (Kansai Medical University Medical Center), Takeuchi Atsushi (Kansai Medical University Medical Center), Nishimaki Kengo (National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with DisabiliIties)
The report of questionnaire and the system design for Webcast about the classroom exercise.
○Tomoya Saito (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Takahiro Tamesue (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Yutaka Hisanaga (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Yue Wang (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Yoshito Nishimura (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Hiromichi Suenaga (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Chiyo Kaneyama (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Yasuaki Ohira (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Tsuyoshi Eguchi (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Keiji Imaoka (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.), Katsumi Tadamura (Media and Information Technology Center, Yamaguchi Univ.)
Practical Use of RPA for Student Support -Data Extraction from Job Information Website Using BizRobo!-
○Shutaro Kiyoshige (Research and Development Department, Hokkaido University Library), Ayako Mikami (Research and Development Department, Hokkaido University Library), Yusuke Komiyama (Research Center for Open Science and Data Platform, National Institute of Informatics), Ko Hasegawa (Hokkaido University Library)
Current conditions of contents production and a study on the promoting educational use in Kyoto University OpenCourseWare
Kazuya Fujioka (Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education, Kyoto Univ.), ○Kosuke Ogata (Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education, Kyoto Univ.)
Current situation and issues of “Database on Education and Research, Kyoto University”
○Hiroki Kajiwara (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Hirofumi Sawada (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Hirokazu Akasaka (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Noritoshi Atsumi (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.), Takaaki Aoki (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto Univ.)
On-premises Content Collaboration Platforms の更改
Renewal of On-premises Content Collaboration Platforms
○Kiyofumi Shimojo (Information Systems Department Information Technology Group Supercomputing Team), Hiroshi Miyazaki (Information Systems Department Information Technology Group), Yoshiyuki Tagawa (Information Systems Department Information Technology Group Supercomputing Team), Kazuo Yamamoto (Information Systems Department Information Technology Group Supercomputing Team), Hiroyuki Sajima (Information Systems Department Information Technology Group Supercomputing Team), Takaaki Sato (Information Systems Department Information Technology Group Supercomputing Team), Ryotaro Nakahari (Information Systems Department Information Technology Group Supercomputing Team), Hajime Yamada (Information Systems Department Information Technology Group Supercomputing Team)
A Methodology for Statistical Analysis of Peer Review Agreement
○Yoshinori Tajima (Information and Communications Technology Services Infrastructure Division, Nagoya University.), Kazunari Yamada (Information and Communications Technology Services Infrastructure Division, Nagoya University.), Akihiro Mouri (Information and Communications Technology Services Infrastructure Division, Nagoya University.), Ichiro Takahashi (Information and Communications Technology Services Infrastructure Division, Nagoya University.), Takahiro Katagiri (High Performance Computing Division, Information Technology Center, Nagoya University), Ohshima Satoshi (High Performance Computing Division, Information Technology Center, Nagoya University), Toru Nagai (High Performance Computing Division, Information Technology Center, Nagoya University)
Society 5.0実現に向けた(計算+データ+学習)融合
Integration of (Simulation + Data + Learning) towards Society 5.0
○Kengo Nakajima (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo), Toshihiro Hanawa (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo), Akihiro Ida (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo), Takashi Shimokawabe (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo), Yohei Miki (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo), Tetsuya Hoshino (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo), Eishi Arima (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo), Kenjiro Taura (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo), Tomohiro Kudo (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo), Yuji Sekiya (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo), Ryo Nakamura (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo)
A Study on Deployment of HPCI Terminal Emulator using Docker Container
○Takahiro Nakanishi (Super Computing and Information Sciences Center, Iwate Univ.), Satoshi Kawamura (Department of Literature Information technology division, Morioka Univ.), Natsumi Onaka (Center for Teaching, Learning and Career Development, Iwate Univ.), Yoko Matsuoka (Center for Teaching, Learning and Career Development, Iwate Univ.)
Development of Manual for Windows10 Warring Message to Prevent Malwares and Internet Scams
○Tatsuya Tohyama (Planning and Information Management Department, Kyoto Univ.), Kosuke Ogata (Planning and Information Management Department, Kyoto Univ.), Junichi Hikita (Planning and Information Management Department, Kyoto Univ.)
Toward Operation for Verified Numerical Computation Libraries
○Takahiro Katagiri (Information Technology Center, Nagoya Univ.), Fumiya Ishiguro (Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya Univ.), Takeshi Ogita (Division of Mathematical Sciences, Tokyo Woman’s Christian Univ.), Katsuhisa Ozaki (College of System Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Tech.), Satoshi Ohshima (Information Technology Center, Nagoya Univ.), Toru Nagai (Information Technology Center, Nagoya Univ.)
Usage Status and Usage System of Supercomputer System at Information Technology Center, the University of Tokyo
○Ryotaro Nakahari (Information Technology Group, Information Systems Department, The University of Tokyo), Hiroshi Miyazaki (Information Technology Group, Information Systems Department, The University of Tokyo), Yoshiyuki Tagawa (Information Technology Group, Information Systems Department, The University of Tokyo), Kazuo Yamamoto (Information Technology Group, Information Systems Department, The University of Tokyo), Hiroyuki Sajima (Information Technology Group, Information Systems Department, The University of Tokyo), Takaaki Sato (Information Technology Group, Information Systems Department, The University of Tokyo), Kiyofumi Shimojo (Information Technology Group, Information Systems Department, The University of Tokyo), Hajime Yamada (Information Technology Group, Information Systems Department, The University of Tokyo)
User Support Services in the HPCI System by RIST in K computer Era and Toward the Future
○Yusuke Iwase (Information and Communications Technology Services Infrastructure Division, Nagoya University), Kazunari Yamada (Information and Communications Technology Services Infrastructure Division, Nagoya University), Satoshi Ohshima (High Performance Computing Division, Information Technology Center, Nagoya University), Takahiro Katagiri (High Performance Computing Division, Information Technology Center, Nagoya University)
SF2: サイバーセキュリティ・情報基盤と対策
12月14日(土) 10:50-12:20、会場: F会場、 座長: 砂原秀樹(慶應義塾大学)
Office 365 のフィッシング対策強化のための PowerShell による設定事例
Setting anti-phishing measures in Office 365 by PowerShell
○KASAI Masumi (Graduate School of Sci. & Tech., Hirosaki Univ. /Information Technology Center, Hirosaki Univ.), OGURA Hiromi (Information Technology Center, Information Management Headquarters, Hirosaki Univ.), SUTO Katsuhiro (Information Technology Center, Information Management Headquarters, Hirosaki Univ.), TAKEUCHI Sumire (Information Technology Center, Information Management Headquarters, Hirosaki Univ.)
名古屋工業大学における2018・2019 年度の情報セキュリティ対策
Security Measures at Nagoya Institute of Technology in 2018-2019
○Norie Saito (Planning and Information Management Department, Kyoto University), Osamu Katagiri (Planning and Information Management Department, Kyoto University), Yosuke Toda (Planning and Information Management Department, Kyoto University), Yoshiko Ishibashi (Planning and Information Management Department, Kyoto University)
○Narihito Hayasaka (Center for ICT Education, Muroran Institute of Technology.), Tohru Ishizaka (Center for ICT Education, Muroran Institute of Technology.), Yukio Ogawa (Center for ICT Education, Muroran Institute of Technology.), Yoshitaka Kuwata (Center for ICT Education, Muroran Institute of Technology.)
Overview of Rikunabi Incident and Implications for education
Yoshihiko Uesugi (Information Media Center, Kanazawa University.), Masahide Sato (Information Media Center, Kanazawa University.), Yoshiya Kasahara (Information Media Center, Kanazawa University.), Hiroyuki Ohno (Information Media Center, Kanazawa University.), Yoshihiro Takata (Information Media Center, Kanazawa University.), Tomohiko Imachi (Information Media Center, Kanazawa University.), ○Mori Yoshihiro (Information Media Center, Kanazawa University.), Akitaka Higashi (Information Media Center, Kanazawa University.), Nakasan Chawanat (Information Media Center, Kanazawa University.), Megumi Futatsugi (Information Media Center, Kanazawa University.), Takayuki Hama (Engineering and Technology Department, Kanazawa University), Naoki Nishikawa (Engineering and Technology Department, Kanazawa University)
TP: ポスターセッションコアタイム
12月12日(木) 15:35-17:05、会場: ポスター・展示会場
Introduction of Cybersecurity Center of Kyushu University
On the trend of the students’ lack of Interest in PC use and the state of mastering touch typing skills – Based on the continuously questionnaire surveys in the first-year class and the preliminary survey of the differences between different Faculties –
Tomoko Sagisaka (Faculty of Foreign Studies, Reitaku University), ○Hideharu Ohtsuka (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Reitaku University.), Hideoki Takatuji (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Reitaku University.), Akinobu Kanda (Center for Information Technology and Education, Reitaku University.)
Activities and Roles of Website Planning Office in Kyoto University
○Eiri Ono (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University), Yoshitaka Morimura (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University), Tamaki Motoki (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University), Masaji Iwakura (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University), Yusuke Kawachi (Planning and Information Management Department, Kyoto University), Hajime Kita (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University)
京都大学におけるビジュアル・アイデンティティの整備と課題 ー情報メディアでの利用を通じて
Development and Challenges of Visual Identity in Kyoto University −Based on Use in Information Media
○Tamaki Motoki (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University), Naomi Nagata (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University), Eiri Ono (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University), Masaji Iwakura (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto UniversityDepartment, Kyoto University), Akihisa Tatsumi (Faculty of Fine Arts, Kyoto City University of Arts), Hajime Kita (Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University)
Continuous Research on How Slack Improves Communication in Academic ICT Division Consisting of Heterogeneous Members
○Hiroyuki Sakai (Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education, Kyoto University), Rieko Inaba (Department of Computer Science, Tsuda University), Yasuhiko Tsuji (Faculty of Liberal Arts, The Open University of Japan), Naoshi Hiraoka (Research Center for Instructional Systems, Kumamoto University), Katsusuke Shigeta (Information Initiative Center, Hokkaido University)
Changes in Counter Services After Introducing Students’ Laptops in Class
○Hideki Tomishige (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Iizuka Campus Technical Support Office), Junichi Inoue (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Iizuka Campus Technical Support Office), Toyohiro Hayashi (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Information Science Center), Kyoko Kai (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Information Science Center)
Active learning in medical exercise utilizing drug response simulation software
○Takayuki Nemoto (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.), Hideaki Tagashira (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.), Tomo Kita (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.), Shiho Shibata (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.), Yusuke Gotoh (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.), Satomi Kita (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ./Tokushima Bunri Univ), Takahiro Iwamoto (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.)
Functions to Improve the Performance and Convenience of an Educational Computer System in University of Tsukuba
○SANO Akira (Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku Univ.), SEKIMOTO Tatsuo (Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku Univ.), HIGUCHI Saburo (Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku Univ.), MATSUKIDAIRA Junta (Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku Univ.), TAKAHASHI Takashi (Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku Univ.)
P-Drug exercise to appropriate drug selection using Wingnet system
○Hideaki Tagashira (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.), Takayuki Nemoto (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.), Shiho Shibata (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.), Tomo Kita (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.), Yusuke Gotoh (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.), Satomi Kita (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ./Department of Pharmacology,), Takahiro Iwamoto (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka Univ.)
A Study of Exercise-Based e-Learning System for Freshman Program
○Tetsuya Oishi (Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Hiroki Oura (Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Case reports of network separation in elementary school
○Junko Yoshiba (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku Univ.), Naoki Nakamura (Tohoku University Hospital), Kazuya Ito (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku Univ.), Chika Takahata (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku Univ.), Rie Hishikawa (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku Univ.), Sachiko Nagase (Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Tohoku Univ.), Masaharu Nakayama (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku Univ.), Teiji Tominaga (Tohoku University Hospital)
Installation and operation of “Remote security areas” for the ToMMo Supercomputer
○Sachiko Nagase (Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Tohoku Univ.), Naoki Nakamura (Tohoku University Hospital), Kazuya Ito (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku Univ.), Junko Yoshiba (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku Univ.), Sachiko Hirano (Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Tohoku Univ.), Tomo Saito (Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Tohoku Univ.), Kengo Kinoshita (Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku Univ.), Masaharu Nakayama (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku Univ.), Teiji Tominaga (Tohoku University Hospital)
○Shoutarou Chatani (Center for Information Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University), Takahiro Okunaka (Center for Information Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University), Yoshinao Asano (Center for Information Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
○Kazushige Saga (National Institute of Informatics), Atsuko Takefusa (National Institute of Informatics), Tomoya Tanjo (National Institute of Informatics), Shigetoshi Yokoyama (Gunma University/National Institute of Informatics), Kento Aida (National Institute of Informatics)
Support for Introduction and Operation of OpenCEAS Released under MIT License
○Akira Sato (University of Tsukuba), Shuji Sannomiya (University of Tsukuba), Kazuki Katagishi (University of Tsukuba), Hisashi Nakai (University of Tsukuba), Keisuke Kameyama (University of Tsukuba)
○Takashi Matsumoto (National Institute of Technology, Anan College), Minoru Komatsu (National Institute of Technology, Anan College), Koutarou Yamada (National Institute of Technology, Anan College), Nariyuki Kawabata (National Institute of Technology, Anan College), Kengo Oota (National Institute of Technology, Anan College)
The Use of ICT in Teaching Protein Structures (II)
○Hiroto Kikuchi (Nippon Medical School), Yoshiaki Hayasaka (Nippon Medical School)
Differences of Secular Changes among National, Public, and Private Universities in the Expectations and the Recognition of Effects for ICT Use in Education