1.開 会 | 13:40~ | 司会(年次大会実行委員長) |
2.会長挨拶 | 13:41~ | 大学ICT推進協議会 会長 |
3.来賓挨拶 | 13:44~ | 文科省来賓者 |
4.担当大学挨拶(事前収録) | 13:49~ | 大阪大学総長 |
5.大学ICT推進協議会の 概要紹介 |
13:52~ | 大学ICT推進協議会 副会長 |
6.基調講演1(事前収録 ※) | 14:00~ | Michele Norin 氏 Chair, EDUCAUSE Board Sr. Vice President and Chief Information Officer Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey |
7.2019年度年次大会 論文賞等発表 |
15:05~ | 表彰司会(プログラム委員長) |
8.基調講演2(事前収録) | 15:25~ | 早川美徳 氏 東北大学データ駆動科学・AI教育研究センター長(教授) |
9.2021年度年次大会のご案内 | 16:15~ | 慶応義塾大学実行委員長 |
10.閉会挨拶 | 16:25~ | 司会(年次大会実行委員長) |
11.閉 会 | ~16:30 |
※12月11日(金)9:00~9:30 より、Michele Norin氏との質疑応答を行います。
From Days to Months: Higher Education, IT, and a Pandemic
- Michele Norin氏
- Chair, EDUCAUSE Board
- Sr. Vice President and Chief Information Officer Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
(Information technology has increasingly become a key component to the success of higher education, but this has never been truer than it is today, as we navigate the challenges of a pandemic. Most institutions had to pivot very quickly into remote learning, teaching, and working with decisions literally being made within days during spring break. As a CIO responsible for making sure the technology worked, the focus of my keynote will be to describe the journey at Rutgers University and other institutions, which started long before the current circumstances. The CIO has often played a critical role in leading change behind the scenes but now we are in full spotlight.)